Jumat, 27 November 2009

NYC boys

udah lamo ga kedengeran kabarnya ni grup.
setelah berhasil betahan lama di oricorn chart dengan lagu mereka, NYC, kabar mereka uda ga tau gimana. hyoo! sebenernya sayo tetarik sama ni grup cuma gara-gara ada akang chinen. KYAA! ni bocah gilaakk!! imud abiss!! tottemo daisuki..yuri chinen. gyahaha!! *gila mode oon*

kembali lagi ke kabar baru nya NYC boys yang berhasil saya dapatkan. hehehe.. tapi tapi.. karena beritanya pake bahasa inggris, aku rodho-rodho ndak mudeng. hehe..
maka oleh karena sebab itu, kukasih versi inggrisnya aja.. ehe..

NHK on Monday announced the names of the 50 artists and groups to perform on this year’s 60th NHK “Kohaku Uta Gassen” (red and White Song Contest), with four Johnny’s boy bands topping the list including, Arashi, Hey! Say! Jump, and NYC boys.

Arashi was scheduled not to appear due to other commitments but decided to join in the 60th anniversary program. NYC boys, who will make their first appearance, were also excited to participate, with member Yuri Chine, 15, vowing to “definitely try not to lose to Arashi!”

Both groups were invited by NHK. Keisuke Inoue, NYC’s chief producer, explained, “Kohaku usually only features the top sellers of that year. Arashi is always a best seller. And NYC has been having great sales even though they’re still new.”

Johnny’s Entertainment president Johnny Kitagawa said, “Because there’s an age limit on the actual countdown (that runs after Kohaku), NYC couldn’t appear, so we instead wanted them to sing on Kohaku.”

he he he.. akang chinen! kao ngomong juga. hahaha.. makin suka deh! hehehe.. sini sini jadi pembantuku. hehehe..

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